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Equity Technical Assistance Office Hours
"Technical Assistance Menu of Services Update" January 2025 Office Hours
January 14, 2025
This office hour featured The Equity Technical Assistance Team shared updates on their TA Menu of Services and gathered feedback from the LHJs on these services. The TA Team also presented on the statewide results of the 2024 Organizational Assessment for Equity Infrastructure
"Development of an Institutional Review Board Health Equity Policy" December Office Hours
December 10, 2024
This office hour featured a presentation from The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Office of the Institutional Review Board (IRB). They shared an overview of and data from their Health Equity Initiative which encompassed the development of an IRB health equity in research policy for the Department and external partners. The development of the policy was informed by data from key informant interviews and two annual health equity surveys which assessed how researchers in LA County are understanding and addressing health equity.
"Co-designing for Impactful Community Collaboration & Partnership" November Office Hours
November 05, 2024
This office hour featured presentations from the TA team, that shared an overview of the National Equity Project’s Liberatory Design Model. We also learned about The California Health Collaborative’s (CHC), Regional Perinatal Programs of California (RPPC) initiative from Sophia Salinas, a current CHC staff member and CDPH intern who highlighted approaches to building coalitions, community partnerships, and emphasized their efforts in supporting hospitals and delivering education.
"SOGI Data Collection and Display Guidance" October Office Hours
October 08, 2024
This office hour featured presentations from CDPH staff from the Center for Health Statistics and Informatics (CHSI) and the Office of Health Equity (OHE) on drafts of new guidance documents and requested LHJ feedback before these are formally released.
Passcode for recording: ctzM19%+
"Serving Unhoused Individuals featuring Tuolumne County" September Office Hours
September 10, 2024
This office hour featured presentations from Tuolumne County’s work with unhoused individuals, and their approach to providing trash clean up and social services to their community. We will also heard from our partners from CDPH’s Climate Change and Health Equity Branch. Passcode for recording: phrkWJ!8
Part 2 "2024 Organizational Assessment for Equity Infrastructure Kickoff Webinar" June Office Hours
June 14, 2024
This Part 2 includes the walkthrough of our Survey Monkey Org Assessment and a portion of Q&A.
Part 1 "2024 Organizational Assessment for Equity Infrastructure Kickoff Webinar" June Office Hours
June 14, 2024
This office hour is focused on the Organizational Assessment for Equity Infrastructure. The TA team discusses the 2024 Updates to the assessment, including updates to the Assessment tool and new resources such as the Domain Bites video series! It features an LHJ panel with guest speakers from Stanislaus County Health Services Agency and Sacramento Public Health Department showcasing different methods of filling out the assessment.
"Training, Development, and Support" May Office Hours
May 27, 2024
This office hour is focused on the competency "Training, Development, and Support" from CDPH's Organizational Assessment for Equity Infrastructure. This competency is defined as "providing opportunities for staff to learn and discuss equity topics and incorporate their learning into practice." May's office hour featured presentations from Tulare County Public Health and Sonoma County Department of Health Services. The presenters share their experiences around a training, development, and support opportunity implemented within their local health department including challenges and successes. Tulare County Public Health gives an overview of their Cultural Humility Training program and Sonoma County Department of Health Services provides an overview of their Racial Equity Foundations trainings. The views of Speakers belong solely to them and are not endorsed by CDPH or reflective of CDPH views.
"Data Equity Principles by the Central California Public Health Consortium" April Office Hours
April 16, 2024
The Central California Public Health Consortium (CCPHC) presented on the Data Equity Principles, a tool developed by CCPHC to help cement the relationship between equity and data by creating regional equity principles that can guide data practices. The four principles include: Principle #1 – Center shared community ownership and governance of data. Principle #2 – Be intentional and, through continuous learning and community engagement, allow for cultural and regional modifications. Principle #3 – Include equity-based processes that name and acknowledge systemic, racial, cultural, social, and economic factors that affect individual health outcomes and communities’ abilities to thrive. Principle #4 – Be transparent and include mechanisms for accountability. The views of Speakers belong solely to them and are not endorsed by CDPH or reflective of CDPH views.
"Disability Justice and Anti-Ableism" March Office Hours
March 12, 2024
This office hour featured presentations from The Arc of California, a disability advocacy organization, and Butte County Public Health and Contra Costa Health on current efforts, including challenges and successes, within their organizations to address Disability Justice and Anti-Ableism. The Arc, a CERI (California Equitable Recovery Initiative) grant recipient, provides background on the organization's movement and how funding has been able to support their efforts. Butte County Public Health shares an Equity Site Assessment Checklist for public health buildings to reflect inclusivity and accessibility and Contra Costa Health talks about the ways their county is addressing disparities for residents with developmental disabilities, which includes a Developmental Disabilities Council and Specialty Ambassador Health Program. The views of Speakers belong solely to them and are not endorsed by CDPH or reflective of CDPH views.
"Climate Change and Health Equity" February Office Hours
February 13, 2024
The Climate Change and Health Equity Branch within OHE presented on the connection between climate change and health equity and shared current efforts happening within CDPH. This office hour also featured a presentation on climate equity and public health work from Ventura County Public Health. The views of Speakers belong solely to them and are not endorsed by CDPH or reflective of CDPH views.
"End of the Year Equity Celebration" December Office Hours
December 01, 2023
End of the Year Equity Celebration. The views of Speakers belong solely to them and are not endorsed by CDPH or reflective of CDPH views.
"Do No Harm Guide-Applying Equity Awareness in Data" November Office Hours:
November 01, 2023
Do No Harm Guide-Applying Equity Awareness in Data Visualization. The views of Speakers belong solely to them and are not endorsed by CDPH or reflective of CDPH views. The views of Speakers belong solely to them and are not endorsed by CDPH or reflective of CDPH views.
"CBO & Resident Engagement" October Office Hours
October 10, 2023
"October’s Office Hour was focused on CBO & Resident Engagement. The Community Inclusion & Partnership Section (CIPS) team provided resources and best practices that LHJs can use to engage underserved populations". The views of Speakers belong solely to them and are not endorsed by CDPH or reflective of CDPH views.
"Equity Portal Updates" September Office Hours
September 13, 2023
September’s Office Hour focused on new updates to the Equity Portal, including the launch of the Virtual Equity Toolkit 2.0, a webpage update of the previous toolkit, and an overview of the new forums that can be used to connect with LHJ staff around California". The views of Speakers belong solely to them and are not endorsed by CDPH or reflective of CDPH views.
"Partnering Across Sectors" August Office Hours
August 09, 2023
The month of August’s Office Hour will be on focused on Partnering Across Sectors, a competency within the Organizational Assessment for Equity Infrastructure. Hear from Los Angeles County, Madera County, and San Bernardino County on existing strategies, practices, and past and current projects that bring different organizations together to work with local health jurisdiction staff towards achieving equity for all. The views of Speakers belong solely to them and are not endorsed by CDPH or reflective of CDPH views.
The month of August’s Office Hour will be on focused on People Experiencing Homelessness and will feature a presentation from Mollie Lund and Pike Long, the Office of Health Equity’s COVID Housing and Homelessness Specialists. This discussion speaks to applying an equity-focused public health lens to prevent and end health disparities for people experiencing homelessness. The views of Speakers belong solely to them and are not endorsed by CDPH or reflective of CDPH views.
"Data Gathering & More" July Office Hours
July 12, 2023
The Integrated Health Equity Research (IHER) team within the Office of Health Equity will present readily available sources for gathering data including Homeless Data Integration System. The views of Speakers belong solely to them and are not endorsed by CDPH or reflective of CDPH views.
Learn about the efforts to build equity infrastructure within the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). This Office Hour will feature a guest presentation from CDPH’s Equity in All Policies Section within the Office of Health Equity and will discuss the current and planned inter-agency initiatives to advance health and equity in California state government. The views of Speakers belong solely to them and are not endorsed by CDPH or reflective of CDPH views.
The Public Health Alliance of Southern California (Alliance) walks attendees through their plans for future statewide and regional trainings on the California Healthy Places Index (HPI). State and local government, community leaders, policymakers, academics, and other stakeholders across California use HPI to equitably direct funding and create positive change in communities. The views of Speakers belong solely to them and are not endorsed by CDPH or reflective of CDPH views.
CERI Y2Q2 January Equity TA Office Hours
January 10, 2023
Office Hours for the month of January 2022 focuses on the CERI Y2Q2 submission. A brief presentation about CERI flows into an open-format Q&A about the submission process. The views of Speakers belong solely to them and are not endorsed by CDPH or reflective of CDPH views.
"Equity Portal, TA Inquiry Launch" December 13, 2022
January 05, 2023
This Office Hour focuses on the Equity Portal Technical Assistance function and features a demonstration for LHJs on how to submit TA inquiries to the Equity team. The views of Speakers belong solely to them and are not endorsed by CDPH or reflective of CDPH views.
"Partnering with Tribal Populations" November 8, 2022
November 08, 2022
Alexandra “Sasha” Silveanu, Tribal Health Equity Lead at Office of Health Equity, leads a presentation on partnering with tribal populations. Guest speaker, Buffey W. Bourassa, Equity Coordinator for Mendocino County PHD is also featured and shares her experience on building meaningful relationships with tribal communities. The views of Speakers belong solely to them and are not endorsed by CDPH or reflective of CDPH views.
"Request For Proposal (RFP)" October 11, 2022
October 11, 2022
This Office Hour is focused on making the Request for Proposal (RFP) Process equitable. Panelists Amy Zhang (CDPH), Kanat Tibet (Yolo County) and Adrienne Anderson (San Diego County) lend their expertise on how to distribute RFPs to ensure a diverse pool of qualified applicants. The views of Speakers belong solely to them and are not endorsed by CDPH or reflective of CDPH views.
"Hiring Challenges" September 13, 2022
September 13, 2022
This Office Hour is focused on hiring challenges and barriers. Guest panelists Mike Aycock, HR Manager for Marin County HHS, and Marizela Terkildsen, Health Equity Coordinator from Madera County share their best practices for working with HR to remove unnecessary barriers for hiring. The views of Speakers belong solely to them and are not endorsed by CDPH or reflective of CDPH views.
Every other Thursday at 10 am PST