"Training, Development, and Support" May Office Hours
Published Date: May 27, 2024
This office hour is focused on the competency "Training, Development, and Support" from CDPH's Organizational Assessment for Equity Infrastructure. This competency is defined as "providing opportunities for staff to learn and discuss equity topics and incorporate their learning into practice." May's office hour featured presentations from Tulare County Public Health and Sonoma County Department of Health Services. The presenters share their experiences around a training, development, and support opportunity implemented within their local health department including challenges and successes. Tulare County Public Health gives an overview of their Cultural Humility Training program and Sonoma County Department of Health Services provides an overview of their Racial Equity Foundations trainings. The views of Speakers belong solely to them and are not endorsed by CDPH or reflective of CDPH views.
Tags: June, 2024, Office, Hours, Training