"Disability Justice and Anti-Ableism" March Office Hours
Published Date: March 12, 2024
This office hour featured presentations from The Arc of California, a disability advocacy organization, and Butte County Public Health and Contra Costa Health on current efforts, including challenges and successes, within their organizations to address Disability Justice and Anti-Ableism. The Arc, a CERI (California Equitable Recovery Initiative) grant recipient, provides background on the organization's movement and how funding has been able to support their efforts. Butte County Public Health shares an Equity Site Assessment Checklist for public health buildings to reflect inclusivity and accessibility and Contra Costa Health talks about the ways their county is addressing disparities for residents with developmental disabilities, which includes a Developmental Disabilities Council and Specialty Ambassador Health Program. The views of Speakers belong solely to them and are not endorsed by CDPH or reflective of CDPH views.
Tags: Office Hours, March, Disability, Ant-Ableism