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Plumas County

Plumas County Public Health Agency logo

 The 20,000 Lives grant committee is excited to introduce a few winners of our mini-grant project. Our focus was on advancing healthy equity, serving vulnerable and underserved populations in Plumas County by supplementing existing programs or creating new projects. Projects range from neighborhood lending libraries to neurodivergent teen support groups. Below are just a few of the winners of this project.
1. Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship Youth Crew Program
The Trail Stewardship is dedicated to the restoration and maintenance of the recreational trails in Plumas County. Health equity will be addressed by hiring youth, providing educational environment-based workshops, developing outdoor recreational areas and dual enrollment for students with the local community college, and maintaining multi-use trails throughout the county.
2. Lost Sierra Family Integration Center
Plumas County has limited mental health resources, especially for young children, and the need for specialized training is great. The nervous system regulation and Focus System are evidence-based therapeutic tools that can benefit children, ages two and up, who are dealing with chronic stress reactivity and sensory processing issues. These systems are intended to improve the mental health of children within our community as well as support the resilience of their parents through stress reduction at a nervous system level.
3. Feeding Indian Valley
This project has been, and will continue to be, focused on providing healthy, nutritious food to those in need. Unfortunately, due to the Dixie Fire, many people in Indian Valley lost their homes, their means of employment and support systems. As a priority, the Indian Valley food pantry was reopened. Those who rely on it are not only financially unable to afford nutritious food but are also unable to travel outside Indian Valley to do so.

To learn more about these and other exciting projects funded by this grant, contact Desiree Erchul at desireeerchul@countyofplumas.com