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Spotlights with

Napa County

Napa County seal

"Authentic community engagement is a cornerstone of their work, and they are constantly working to improve their practices."

Live Healthy Napa County (LHNC) is a multi-sector collaborative that first convened in 2012 to develop a shared vision and sustainable improvements in the health of all people who live and work in Napa County. Public health has served as the backbone of LHNC entity since its inception. Their partners include local health systems, non-profit organizations, local government
representatives, school districts, and community members. They engage with partners through a bilingual monthly newsletter, quarterly meetings, and frequent committee work focused on projects described in Napa County’s Community Health Action Plan. Authentic community engagement is a cornerstone of their work and are consistently working to improve their practices. LHNC believes it is critical that their work be responsive to, and directed by, community members.

The organization utilizes surveying, empathetic interviewing, learning conversations, focus groups, town halls and asset mapping to gain insight into the barriers the community faces. The narratives received inform how they prioritize and define their efforts to improve community health. The use of Human-centered design enables LHNC to engage the community in the ideation and prototype process of their projects. By regularly seeking out grant funding to provide stipends for community participation, they have had the opportunity to facilitate community-led Spanish language focus groups, unique design projects, and transform into a fully bilingual collaborative. Over the past three years, LHNC has collected community responses to help define respect and social inclusion in Napa County and hope to create a baseline measurement for future health assessments.

To learn more about Live Healthy Napa County, please contact Erin Nieuwenhuijs, Community Health Planner.