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Spotlights with

Mendocino County

Mendocino County Public Health logo

 Mendocino County works diligently to advance equity within and across departments, and in our relationships with our residents. COVID-19 highlighted our need to focus on equitable service delivery to underrepresented and historically marginalized communities. In order to swiftly adapt and respond to the evolving community needs, the COVID-19 Epidemiology Briefings and COVID Equity Workgroup were formed.

 After the tragic shooting of George Floyd in May of 2020 prompted marches across the nation demanding justice and accountability, former Health and Human Services Agency Director, Tammy Moss Chandler requested a group be formed to help achieve lasting progress on racial justice and equality issues in our community. The group of employees who volunteered to take on this internal work, named this committee: the Racial Equity and Justice Committee (REAJC). REAJC strives to inspire change, inform decisions, and address racial equity and accountability within our departments, through our services, and in our local communities.

In its first year, the committee had lively discussions around racism, structural and institutional racism, personal experiences of racism, socioeconomics, gender, religion, and other cultural and social constructs impacting how members of our community live and treat each other.

Mendocino County’s commitment to equity and health is imbedded in its Mendocino County Strategic Plan 2022-2027, developing shared DEI definitions and community engagement objectives across departments.

Public Health is developing an equity infrastructure, creating health equity throughout the department’s policies, procedures, and culture, with the next step of joining the Government Alliance on Race & Equity Alliance (GARE) network.