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Madera County

Two people sitting behind a table with a whiteboard in front of them

In 2014, the Madera County Department of Public Health embarked on a monumental partnership with more than 50 organizations representing healthcare, health plans, businesses, education, law enforcement, and community-based and faith-based stakeholders – all committed to improve community wellness through focused aligned action. The Live Well Madera County (LWMC) coalition was established to create a healthier and more equitable community by addressing social determinants of health and promoting policies and practices that support health equity. Building trust and ensuring authentic collaboration was achieved by holding space for open dialogue, acknowledging power dynamics, and valuing diverse perspectives.

One successful project that emerged from the coalition was increased access to healthy food options in underserved communities. Partnerships with local farmers, school districts, and community organizations helped establish a farmers market and farm-to-school program that increased access to fresh produce to over 2,000 low-income families and students. Another project helped increase physical activity opportunities by creating a Safe Routes to School program and building a park in an area with limited access to green spaces for exercise and play. The Safe Routes to School program increased walking and biking to school by 25% and the park has become a community hub for social connection while decreasing crime rates and increasing physical activity

For more information, please visit the Madera County Department of Public Health website.