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Development Level Title Description
Early Get Serious About Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion : 4 Reasons You Need a Dedicated DEI Team This article may be helpful for organizations that are looking into forming a dedicated equity team. A section on how to support your dedicated equity team upon formation is also included.
Strong DEI Steering Committee - Part 1: 3 Steps to Forming an Effective DEI Steering Committee This article is a 3-part series that includes information on forming a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) committee, sustaining DEI efforts, and futureproofing the work of the committee. Links to part 2 and 3 are in the article.
Development Level Title Description
Early What Are Health Disparities and Health Equity? We Need to be Clear This brief article defines the concepts of health disparities and health equity in easy-to-understand terms. The article also explains why solid definitions are important when working with equity, and how language can help mitigate disparities.
Early What is Health Equity? A Definition and Discussion Guide This report from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, contains definitions of health equity terms, key stages to enact equity in your organization, and examples of advancing health equity. It also serves as a model for enacting group discussions around what equity means to an organization and what equity “action” looks like.
Established Development, Implementation, and Assessment of Health Equity Action Training (HEAT) This article recounts Hartford, Connecticut's Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) equity training initiative. The article details training development, final curriculum, and staff response.
Development Level Title Description
Early Power-Building Partnerships for Health: Key Impacts 2018-2019 This resource highlights the key impacts of the Bay Area Regional Health Inequities Initiative (BARHII) and the Public Health Alliance of Southern California's pilot project to develop and support partnerships between five local California health departments and community organizing groups. The partnerships focus on building community power to improve systems and/or policy change that advance health equity.
Early Advancing Healthcare and CBOs to Address Social Determinants of Health This executive summary focuses on the collaboration between three healthcare-CBO partnerships. It is intended to help refine relationship with current or existing partners and/or agencies exploring new collaborations.
Early CBOs Perspective on Improving Health and Social Services Integration This article discusses the perspectives of CBOs on service delivery and suggestions for improving health system partnerships. To create lasting and sustainable partnerships, CBOs must feel supported and the relationship must be mutually beneficial.
Early Collaboration Between Health Systems and CBOs This executive summary highlights different approaches to overcoming early challenges in forming new partnerships. It provides examples and discusses common themes and lessons learned. Each strategy ensures the voices of the CBOs and their communities are valued in the priority setting and decision-making process.
Development Level Title Description
Early Health Equity: Moving from the Margins to the Center This article is written by Dr. Anthony Iton from the California Endowment. The article serves both as an explanation of foundational equity concepts and as a reflection on Dr. Iton’s time serving communities in California. Principles of equity, and the reasoning behind them, complement the real-life examples of Dr. Iton’s time developing power- building activities for the community of Alameda County.
Established Public Health Workforce Perceptions About Organizational Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion:Results From PH WINS 2021 This article presents results from a national U.S. survey on public health workers’ perceived organizational commitment to DEI. The article concludes that a foundational commitment to equity must be seen in the organization before equity initiatives are started in order to have maximum impact on staff. Essentially, policies that are aimed at increasing equity capacity must feel as though they are being done purposefully and intentionally.
Strong Transparency: A central principle underpinning trustworthy guidelines This article discusses the importance of transparency when creating communications for the public. In order to earn community trust, guidelines and notices from your organization must be very clear, including information about where you acquire data sources and the cost/benefit analysis of decisions.
Development Level Title Description
Early Integrating Equity in a Public Health Funding Strategy This article presents a practical approach for incorporating equity into common and competitive funding procedures for public health programs and demonstrates how integrating equitable strategies can better direct decision-makers in allocating funding and resources.
Development Level Title Description
Early Forming Partnerships With Public Health Departments, Part 1:Why it's a Good Idea This article describes the benefits of partnerships between public health staff and community organizers.
Early 8 Ways to Connect with Your Public Health Department The article is intended for community organizers who are interested in collaborating with public health department leaders to advance racial justice and health equity. The San Francisco Public Health Department and Alameda County Public Health Department are highlighted for their collaborations with community-based organizations.
Early Why Community Power is Fundamental to Advancing Racial and Health Equity This article describes why community power building is more effective than community engagement to advance health and racial equity. The Alameda County Public Health Department is referenced as an example of a local health department partnering with a community-based organization in order to change housing policy.
Early Shifting and Sharing Power: Public Health's Charge in Building Community Power This article provides examples of health departments, including Alameda County, CA, sharing power with community organizations to work towards a common agenda. It also lists the three dimensions of power to consider when partnering for decision making.
Development Level Title Description
Established 10 DEI Metrics Your Organization Should Track This article shows you the 10 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) metrics organizations should track. DEI metrics measure fairness in the workplace, strengths of your organization’s brand, and overall employee satisfaction. If you are unsure of how to calculate these metrics the article includes the formula you would use, along with examples.
Development Level Title Description
Established Supporting Change Agents Across Sectors to Improve Health and Equity in Rural Communities This article describes how cross sector collaboration is important to improving health and equity in rural communities. Rural Resource.
Strong Approaches for Overcoming Barriers to Cross- Sector Data Sharing This study identifies challenges to cross-sector data sharing and the approaches used to overcome these challenges in the Mid-Ohio Farmacy, a partnership to address food insecurity.
Strong Mobilizing Cross- Sector Collaborations to Improve Population Health in U.S. Rural Communities: A Qualitative Stud This study provides four case studies of rural communities working to advance health equity through cross-sector partnerships and provides rural specific strategies. Rural Resource.
Strong Improving Cross- Sector Collaborations in Place-Based Population Health Projects This article provides a framework and recommendations on how to navigate cross-sector partnerships in complex population health projects.
Development Level Title Description
Established Equity & Inclusion: The Roots of Organizational Well-Being This article discusses the need to go beyond simply adopting standard diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) practices in order to build healthy and resilient organizations. Strategies include building capacity to develop new skills, creating an environment where DEI can grow, and implementing equitable systems internally and externally.
Development Level Title Description
Established A Rising Tide: Increasing Rural Local Health Department Capacity to Address the Social Determinants of Health - Data and Evaluation (Page 13 & 21) The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) describe five essential themes within rural local health departments to combat social determinants of health in their communities: Partnerships, Leadership, Community Engagement, Data & Evaluation, and Strategic Planning. (Rural Resource)