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2023 CA LHJ Examples

Development Level Title Description
Early Del Norte County Inclusive Job Descriptions Del Norte County has developed job descriptions that give value to lived experience meaningful to roles rather than relying upon educational qualifications and give preference to language capacity. The county has developed job roles that require the knowledge of “environmental, social, economic, cultural, and other issues and recent developments impacting the health of individuals and the community” and the ability to “demonstrate sensitivity to and understanding of historically minoritized populations and participate in professional development activities to increase cultural competency and health equity practices."
Established Glenn County Improvements to Nursing Recruitment Glenn County Board of Supervisors approved incentives to improve nursing recruitments. Public Health revisited agency agreement with CSU, Chico on interns and began accepting both nursing and non-nursing interns with a Public Health interest (previously, only nursing interns were accepted). Public Health was awarded funding from the CDPH known as the Public Health Workforce Career Ladder Education & Development Program, which will have a focus on staff development and training. Health & Human Services Agency started a Workforce Workgroup to establish actionable workforce-related activities. As a result of these efforts, four new nurses were hired and onboarded, immunization clinics started back up again after a 2-year pause, the Tobacco Education program had its first-ever intern, eligible staff pursuing higher education in the Public Health field were able to request tuition reimbursement (up to $5,000), and Equity Coordinator is part of the agency-wide Workforce Workgroup.
Established Sutter County Public Health Branch Sutter County Public Health has a workforce that strongly reflects the community served with staff that has community experience at all levels throughout Public Health. Sutter County makes an intentional effort to share job postings throughout the community and to actively recruit community members and residents. Hiring managers have also received implicit bias training.
Strong Tulare County Equitable Communications Resources Tulare County Public Health prioritizes equitable communications by integrating equity considerations into its messaging. This is achieved through various methods including translation services, plain language usage, following Cultural and Linguistically Appropriate Service (CLAS) Standards, and abiding by ADA compliance in materials produced by the Public Health Branch.
Strong Tulare County Public Health Tulare County Public Health has invested in equity by creating a Training Officer position within the branch. This Training Officer has developed and delivered training relating to Cultural Humility to both staff and community partners. They have also created additional training materials on equity including pronouns in the workplace, CalAIM, and public health foundational services.
Development Level Title Description
Early San Mateo County Health: Community Collaboration The Government Alliance for Race & Equity (GARE) at San Mateo County Health provides a network to share information and collaborate on equity efforts. Structures such as the Behavioral Health and Recovery Services’ Health Equity Initiatives, and a new Community Collaborative Model with Public Health, provide avenues for connection, communication, and trust-building between County Health and community. Structures vary by division.
Strong Live Healthy Napa County Language Inclusion Listening Sessions Summary Report Napa County Health and Human Services Agency-Public Health has added a staff intern classification, strengthening their local Public Health workforce pipeline. Through their Live Healthy Napa County (LHNC) collaborative, they continue to convene partners in action teams to increase Respect and Social Inclusion within Napa County. One of the action teams, the LHNC Language Inclusion action team, has engaged community members to identify gaps in information and resource access. The team created a report of their findings as well as a document of information and resource access points for Spanish-speaking community members in Napa County.
Strong Marin County Public Health Collaboratives Marin County Health & Human Services has a long history of developing, nurturing, and evolving community collaboratives to address public health issues & achieve shared goals (Community Collaboratives: Healthy Marin Partnership, Marin HIV/AIDS Care Council, Marin Prevention Network, Marin Perinatal Service Providers Network, Marin Oral Health Steering Committee, Healthy Eating Active Living Collaborative, OD Free Marin, Community Resilience Teams, Community Health Worker Collaborative, Equity and Community Partnerships Committee, Marin County Suicide Prevention Collaborative, and Aging Action Initiative among others). Marin County seeks to provide compensation to community members whose participation may cause financial hardship, while also honoring their expertise and experience. Many collaboratives within HHS are focusing on increasing inclusive participation and amplifying the voices of community members from historically disenfranchised communities.
Development Level Title Description
Early Humboldt County Public Health Humboldt County Public Health strives to build trust with the community through transparent and inclusive communication, respectful co-learning, and leveraging community expertise to inform equitable practices. The organization has varied examples of targeted instances of active partnership and engagement in specific programs and populations. They conduct focus groups, forums, and surveys for the community to give input on programs, projects, and experiences. Some coalitions and partnerships have more formal structures and requirements for incorporating community feedback.
Early Kern County Health Equity Plan The Kern Health Equity Partnership was founded and formalized during the first year of CERI, bringing together trusted community leaders, champions, and partners across sectors, to share space in listening, collaborating and to ensure work is continuously meeting the needs of their communities. Their aim is to expand access to quality health and improved the overall health of all Kern County Residents.
Established Tulare County Health and Human Services Agency Committee Interest Letter Community Engagement Tulare County Public Health Branch has streamlined recruitment for its advisory councils and coalitions by creating standardized recruitment materials. These materials clarify roles, responsibilities, and expectations for those interested in supporting the work of the Public Health Branch. Additionally, a Community Engagement Framework has been developed to guide staff on fostering collaboration with the community.
Strong Marin County Public Health Community Resilience Teams Established within Public Health, during the pandemic, Marin County Public Health’s commitment to equitable response spurred the creation of Community Response Teams, which in the recovery phase have become Community Resilience Teams. These teams are now leading community engagement to address public health priorities, including access to services, community preparedness, and climate action. Notably, in 2023, Community Resilience Teams' Lead Agencies were onboarded as full voting members of Healthy Marin Partnership; a healthcare collaborative that has evolved into a community collaborative to achieve health equity. Community members now inform and guide public health strategies, including the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) and healthcare workforce development.
Development Level Title Description
Early Kern County Health Equity Partnership's Subcommittee Day The Kern Health Equity Partnership was founded and formalized during the first year of CERI, bringing together trusted community leaders, champions, and partners across sectors, to share space in listening, collaborating and to ensure work is continuously meeting the needs of their communities. Their aim is to expand access to quality health and improved the overall health of all Kern County Residents.
Established The Live Well Humboldt Initiative The Live Well Humboldt (LWH) initiative is centered around the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) priority areas (substance use, suicide prevention, housing instability and homelessness, and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)). Equity goals are incorporated in the 2022-2027 CHIP, and Humboldt County is working to integrate them into the next Community Health Assessment (CHA). Previous results from this assessment have prompted them to strategize how to amplify equity and collaborate with other agencies across sectors. Humboldt County has contracted with professional equity consultants to provide trainings and technical assistance to dive deeper into co-development strategies.
Established Riverside County Partnerships To lead equity efforts for Riverside University Health System – Public Health (RUHS-PH), a diverse Health Equity Team was established whose fulltime job is to improve health equity in Riverside County while engaging with the community and multi-sector partners. Initiatives they have spearheaded include: the Riverside County Health Coalition, the Equity and Justice Taskforce, Health Equity Policy Action Plan, the Advancing Health and Racial Equity Report, a Health Communications team, and the Community COVID-19 Impact Hub.
Development Level Title Description
Early San Luis Obispo County Health Equity Plan The diversity statement was developed in collaboration with the County of San Luis Obispo Public Health-the Health Equity Program, the Public Information Office, and the Health Equity Committee comprised of representatives from all divisions. The diversity statement can be found on page 6 of the health equity plan.
Early Placer County Strategic Plan The Placer County Health and Human Services Department incorporated equity into the department wide strategic plan. With the newly released plan, the Placer County Public Health Division is reviewing tools and resources to identify gaps and opportunities that address equity in policies, workforce culture, and practices applicable to the division.
Established Trinity County Public Health Trinity County Health and Human Services Public Health Branch has updated its five-year strategic plan with equity outlined as the core of all programs and services, and the guiding value for all priorities and objectives within the plan. The Trinity County Health Equity Assessment and Plan have been developed and the Trinity Equity in Action team has been established to help guide and implement long-term equity work both internally and in collaboration with partners. In addition, Trinity County Public Health has begun to develop clear Health Equity policies and procedures to guide staff on ensuring equity is considered in all projects and programs. Trinity County Public Health is using the CDPH Career Ladder & CASPHI grants to build upon established workforce and provide equitable opportunities for education and career expansion for staff, including job related training, education stipends, and tuition support.
Established San Mateo County Health: Racial Equity Action Plan San Mateo County Health’s executive leadership and GARE members led the development of a County Health Racial Equity Action Plan (REAP), and five divisions have created division-specific equity action plans. Public Health developed an Equity Plan Work Group with at least one staff representative from each of the nine public health programs to design a staff-led, collective Equity Plan for the division.
Established Del Norte County Health and Human Services Del Norte Health and Human Services (DHHS) has set up a DEI Implementation team to bring together staff from all branches and operationalize the DEI strategic framework. The DEI Implementation team consists of staff from all four branches in DHHS led by the executive leadership team. They meet regularly bi-monthly to support the DEI strategic plan and develop an organizational internal equity action plan.
Development Level Title Description
Early Amador County Child Safety & Injury Prevention Amador County Public Health (ACPH) received a 2-year grant focused on unintentional childhood injury prevention through the Kids' Plates grant. The 3 areas of focus are child passenger safety, bicycle safety, and drowning prevention. The components of the grant include safety education and outreach, as well as providing safety equipment to those in a low socio-economic status or those populations that are non-English speaking. For example, ACPH is hosting local events to check car seats for proper installation, providing educational Bike Rodeos with helmet distributions at local community events, promoting swim skill growth in youth through swim lesson vouchers, and distributing life jackets at local boat launches for these populations.
Established San Luis Obispo County Request for Proposals (RFP) Template San Luis Obispo County included health equity lanuage in the boilerplate RFP template. Language around geographical areas, populations of focus, and community engagement can be found on page 10 of the boilerplate RFP template. For the 2022 American Rescue Plan Act Public Health Impacts Grant Application process, applicants were asked and scored on how their proposed projects would serve populations of focus. Public Health was able to provide 16 grants for a total of $5,925,000 for the October 2022 – Dec 2026 grant period. More detailed information on this criteria can be found in the grant application.
Development Level Title Description
Early Glenn County Language Access Plan Throughout the development of the Glenn County Language Access Plan, it was reviewed collaboratively with the new Public Health Bilingual Subcommittee. The fentanyl prevention workgroup that Public Health co-leads with Behavioral Health is open and engages the community. One of the focuses of the tobacco program has been to engage the community and residents in key decisions about program, policy, and evaluation. The tobacco program has made connections throughout the county and received support for their policy issues through groups such as the Lions Club and the Parent Teacher Association groups; the tobacco program also collaborates on the Glenn County for Alliance and Prevention Community Coalition, which brings in many different agencies/organizations/community members to the table.
Established Riverside County Communications Community Engagement Practices Riverside's Health Communications team works to ensure that information is linguistically and culturally appropriate as they work with the community and other partners. They engage community residents and partners to provide their input on relevant topics. Riverside also participates in a regional language access planning committee led by Public Health Alliance which allows them to continue to learn and expand on ways to communicate with the public while exercising best practices. Members of the Riverside County Health Coalition have established a list of health priorities that the coalition are looking to address. These priorities will also inform their Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP).
Development Level Title Description
Established Butte County Department of Public Health The Butte County Health Equity Team consists of a dedicated equity lead and two staff members partially funded for equity initiatives. The team of three can review policies and procedures and provide recommendations to leadership, as well as provide learning opportunities, resources, and technical assistance to staff across all levels. The primary focus lies in educating staff on equity principles, enabling them to integrate an equity perspective into their workflows and individual program development, and making department-wide recommendations as appropriate.
Established Kern County Health Equity Plan Kern County established a Health Equity Team, and a Health Equity Taskforce with representation from the diverse program areas of the department. In addition, the creation of Internships through the Public Health Pipeline Project and program staffing have been instrumental in advancing equity activities outlined in the health equity plan.
Strong Sacramento County: Public Health's Role in Continuing Momentum After Declaring Racism as a Public Health Crisis Following the declaration of Racism as a Public Health Crisis in November 2020, Sacramento County Public Health (SCPH) formed the Health and Racial Equity (HRE) Unit in April 2022 to build on the momentum to advance health and racial equity. The unit is fully staffed with five full time employees that work to integrate equity in SCPH infrastructure and programmatic areas. The unit was created to expand and build health and racial equity programs, policies, and practices throughout SCPH to eliminate, mitigate, and prevent existing and future health disparities and inequities that Black, Brown, Indigenous, people of color (BIPOC) and other communities experience in Sacramento County. Having dedicated equity staff has positively impacted SCPH’s culture and capacity to advance health and racial equity.
Strong Napa County Health and Human Services Agency Public Health DEI Committee While Napa County Health and Human Services Agency-Public Health does not have a staff member with the specific title of ‘Equity Lead’ or ‘Equity Officer’, they have staff that function in this capacity in their Chronic Disease and Health Equity unit. The unit is dedicated to assessing countywide social determinants of health and has integrated equity as a priority across programs. As a result of the 2022 Organizational Assessment for Equity Infrastructure, they have started to convene a monthly DEI workgroup within Public Health to support equity work across the division. They were also able to hire and retain an additional Community Health Planner with CERI grant funding, increasing the capacity of the Chronic Disease and Health Equity unit.
Development Level Title Description
Established Racial Healing Conversation Guide Stanislaus County has provided opportunities for staff to learn and discuss equity topics through peer learning, Equity Co-LABS (Collaboratively Learning in Authentically Brave Spaces), as well as shared tools and resources. They host Co-LABS once per quarter to allow staff to reflect on a topic, heritage month, or awareness campaign and its interconnection to public health. Co-LABS have provided a space for staff members and community partners to connect as many of the Co-LABS are facilitated in partnership with a community-based organization. Providing space through Co-LABS is one strategy that Stanislaus County is implementing to cultivate an inclusive work environment where all staff can be their authentic selves. Stanislaus County also has a monthly newsletter that provides staff with additional resources and trainings to continue self-reflection on their health & racial equity exploration & healing. Note: Stanislaus did not create the linked resource but found it really helpful.
Established Marin County Health and Human Services CI-CARE Trainings and Talking Circles Established across all of Marin County HHS, 450 staff received initial trainings in CI-CARE, a client experience tool developed by UCLA Health System to increase client satisfaction across HHS. 24 CI-CARE Champions received the train-the-trainer version to support new staff training & education within their divisions. Marin developed an agency-wide client experience survey to track client satisfaction, including any themes attributed to race, class, & gender. 250 staff completed 5 months of Embodied Awareness Talking Circles, a practice for staff to learn and exercise effective tools for dialogue within the organization. Marin County internally developed this series, in partnership with a consultant, inspired by frameworks for dialogue that have roots in many Indigenous nations and people around the world. Marin County offers on-demand trainings from myriad programs that focus on unconscious bias, microaggressions in the workplace, LGBTQ+ inclusion, and psychological safety at work.
Strong Napa County Health and Human Services Agency Race and Cultural Equity Policy Tool In response to the growing indigenous and Mixteco speaking population in Napa County, and the need for interpretation services, Napa County Health and Human Services Agency contracted with CIELO (Comunidades Indigenas En Liderazgo) and MCUI (Movimiento Cultural de la Unión Indígena) to provide language interpretation in Mixteco and its many localized variants as well as a cultural awareness training. All policies and procedures within Public Health have been analyzed through the Race and Cultural Equity toolkit.
Development Level Title Description
Established Humboldt County Public Health: Health Equity Checklist Humboldt County Public Health developed the Health Equity Checklist to integrate programmatic, policy, and operational strategies focused on advancing equity into the county's programs and initiatives. The Health Equity Checklist was piloted with programs in the Healthy Communities Division to practice with implementation and collect feedback on the tool. After piloting the checklist, Public Health developed the corresponding policy and procedure document on how to facilitate onboarding to programs. Equity staff have supported additional programs in different Public Health Divisions with implementation of the health equity checklist with the goal of expanding to branch-wide implementation.
Established Butte County Resources to Embed Equity Principles Butte County Public Health prioritizes equity in its Strategic Plan and lists “advancing equity” as a strategic priority. In 2022, the department revised its Health Promotion and Health Education Program Development Guide, highlighting addressing at-risk populations, health equity, and social determinants of health. The Health Equity Team creates various tools to help staff incorporate equity into their work, such as a Health Equity Flyer Checklist, an Equity Site Assessment Checklist, and hosts monthly internal meetings. They also invite guest speakers from the community representing diverse populations to enhance staff's cultural competency. Moreover, the department completed a DEI Guidance document, urging staff to integrate health equity principles into both internal and external activities.
Development Level Title Description
Established 2022 Sutter County Community Health Assessment (CHA) While data limitations exist, Sutter County Public Health prioritizes collecting equity related data in their Public Health programs and through the Sutter County Community Health Assessment. Sutter County Public Health collects qualitative data in targeted areas within the County to capture the differences in experiences with health and well-being that exist for community members. Furthermore, Sutter County shares disaggregated data through the Community Health Assessment dashboards to highlight the health disparities that exist in Sutter County and to inform future equity work.
Established El Dorado County Community Health Assessment (CHA) Data El Dorado County completed a community health assessment using a “boots on the ground” approach, meeting with folks in their communities. The number of events, staff participating, and community responses was remarkable. The demographics of the respondents reflected the diversity of the county, closely mirroring the most recent Census data. El Dorado County will use the results of this assessment to inform new programs and services. Assessment data is accessible via their website at Welldorado.org.
Development Level Title Description
Established Butte County Community Health Assessment (CHA) & Strategic Plan For Butte County, shared analysis occurs during the Community Health Assessment (CHA), Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP), and Strategic Plan processes. Additionally, some programs have formed coalitions or committees, or participate in other agencies’ coalitions or committees, where shared analysis and co-development of solutions may occur. For instance, the Public Health Director is a member of the Healthy Communities Collaborative Steering Committee which is an interagency body representing various partners in the community to address three main health improvement priorities.
Established Riverside County Equity Initiatives To lead equity efforts for Riverside University Health System – Public Health (RUHS-PH), a diverse Health Equity Team was established whose fulltime job is to improve health equity in Riverside County while engaging with the community and multi-sector partners. Initiatives they have spearheaded include: the Riverside County Health Coalition, the Equity and Justice Taskforce, Health Equity Policy Action Plan, the Advancing Health and Racial Equity Report, a Health Communications team, and the Community COVID-19 Impact Hub.